Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Negative thoughts can and will destroy your life!

A mind filled with negative thoughts will make you
miserable and lead to failure after failure no matter
how hard you try to succeed.

If you have a pattern of negative thinking you'll end up
in debt and get stuck in destructive or negative relationships.

If you want to succeed, enjoy happiness and live a life of
abundance, and prosperity you have to eliminate any
chronic negative thinking, and negative beliefs that you hold.

You also have to replace those negative thoughts
with positive thoughts that allow you to succeed
and enjoy life.

You can do get rid of negative thinking relatively easily.
Today I'll show you how to get rid of the negative thinking
and replace it with powerful, positive thoughts so that yo
create the life you want.

We all have negative thoughts.

The occasional negative thought has little or no impact.

It's the chronic negative thinking that destroys your life and
these are the thought patterns that need to be replaced as soon
as possible.

What are these thoughts and where do they come from?

They come from your parents, friends, your family, fellow co-workers,
advisers, teachers, even strangers - and they come from you -
that's right! You often create most of the negative thoughts that
you have and it's only because you haven't trained your mind to
be positive and you haven't created positive beliefs that allow you to succeed.

Everyday you're bombarded with a series of negative
thoughts, negative messages and as you continue
to absorb all of these negative messages you create a negative thinking pattern that
leads to negative and limiting beliefs.
In the end all that negative thinking and all those limiting
beliefs lead to an unhappy or negative life.

Negative thoughts are like weeds. If you don't take care of them
and clear them early, they will take over your entire mind
and destroy any positive thoughts and beliefs.

As a child your mind is much like a fresh, vibrant,
sparkling garden; bright, lively, lush and untainted
by the weeds of negative thinking.

As you get older; the weeds of negative thinking start to pop up.
When you don't control them they spread and wipe out all that was
lush and positive in your mind and in your life.

The weeds of negative thinking not only taint your mind, they
spill over into your life and start destroying all that you
treasure and appreciate.

But just like a garden you can fix or correct the problem.

You can eliminate the weeds, plant new seeds and create
a new life and a new way of thinking;
one that will allow you to enjoy life a great deal.


You start by replacing the weeds of negative thinking with positive thoughts,
positive feelings, and begin spreading this positive
message to other people.

When you have a negative thought that says you can't
do something, change it and think of why you can succeed.

When you think of what might go wrong, change those negative
thoughts and think about what can go right.

When you feel that you can't accomplish something, think of why
you can accomplish something.

Recite affirmations. These are the seeds of your new
positive thoughts.

Work with as many techniques as you can to get rid of
the weeds and plant new seeds for positive thinking
and positive living.

You have to continue nurturing your mind with positive feedback
and then only will things start to change.

When will this change happen?

When you're ready and when you eliminate the negative thinking.
Start removing the negative thoughts that create
the weeds of your mind today.
Begin changing negative and limiting beliefs now.
Empower yourself with positive thoughts and
positive beliefs. Start today

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Carilah hatimu sewaktu membaca al-Quran, jika kau tidak temui, cari hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika tidak ditemui, cari hatimu ketika duduk tafakur mengingati mati, jika kau tidak temui juga, berdoalah kepada Allah pinta hati yang baru - Daripada Imam Al-Ghazali.

Rasulallah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud :
"Bahawasanya di dalam tubuh manusia ada seketul daging. Apabila ia baik, baik pulalah seluruh badan, tetapi apabila ia rosak maka rosak pulalah seluruh badan. Ingatlah ia adalah hati." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Rasulallah s.a.w. bersabda lagi yang bermaksud :
"Bukanlah kekayaan itu dengan banyaknya harta benda tetapi kekayaan itu sebenarnya ialah kaya hati." (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Kaya hati bermaksud hati yang tenang, lapang dan berasa cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki - bersyukur dengan apa yang ada, sabar dengan apa yang tiada.

Oleh itu hati perlu dibersihkan serta dipulihara dan dipelihara "kesihatannya" agar lahir sifat-sifat yang baik seperti amanah, sabar, syukur, qanaah, reda, pemaaf dan sebagainya.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


"Cinta yang lazimnya ditujukan kepada pemuas nafsu semata, sebenarnya ialah cinta yang diilhamkan Tuhan untuk haiwan." - Al-Farabi

Friday, May 27, 2011


REMAJA selalu bertanya apakah salah kami bercinta? Jawapannya tidak salah. Bercinta memang tidak salah justeru ia adalah fitrah tabi'e yang Allah kurniakan kepada setiap insan. Ingin cinta dan dicintai adalah naluri setiap manusia. Jiwa manusia memerlukan cinta seperti jasad perlukan makanan. Oleh kerana cinta itu fitrah, tentulah tidak salah untuk merasai dan menikmatinya. Jika salah masakan tuhan mengeruniakan rasa cinta? Allah maha mengetahui, Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang, dikurnikanNya rasa cinta pasti ada maksud dan tujuan.

Namun Allah tidak mengeruniakan rasa cinta secara polos begitu sahaja. Justeru, DIA juga telah mencipta peraturan cinta demi menjaga kemurniaannya. Peraturan inilah yang kerap dilanggar oleh manusia, khusus para remaja. Rasa cinta tidak tetapi kesalahan selalu berlaku sewaktu menjalinkan hubungan cinta. Di sinilah berlakunya 'cinta terlarang', yakni cinta yang menafikan prinsip dan melanggar peraturan dari Allah.

Ketika itu fitrah akan bertukar menjadi fitnah. Bila kehendak tabi'e tidak disalurkan atau diisi mengikut peraturan Allah, berlakulah kekalutan dan kemusnahan. Jadi janganlah kita hanya mengakui cinta itu dari Allah, tetapi akuilah juga adaNYA peraturan cinta yang juga datang dari Allah.

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Having confidence can really make a huge difference.

Those who have great confidence get more done, because they
believe in themselves... and they believe in their ability.

They know they're going to say the right thing and do the right thing...
and if by chance they slip up... they know they can overcome any setback.

That's confidence.

And now you can have the same level of confidence as the most confident
person you know.

The only reason why you don't have the confidence you want is
because you focus on the wrong things.

Over the years I've been able to study and work with some of the most
confident people and some of the not so confident.

I've discovered that those who are confident just seem to think differently.
They see things differently and they focus on different things.

Confident people focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses or limitations.

They work on those weaknesses and limitations so that they don't have an
impact on their life. But they focus on their strengths. They think of how and why
they can do something.

In social settings they'll focus on saying and doing the right things.
They'll talk about what they know - not what they don't know.

They believe that they can be comfortable in just about any situation.
And the reason they believe this is because they have a thought process
that allows them to exude confidence all the time.

Now you can have that same level of confidence.

First start by focusing on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Then focus on your positive qualities, think of all the reasons why you can
do something and why people should trust you and like you.

Improve in the areas where you feel you have limitations and work on
being better at those things you're not so good at.

Change the way you see yourself and the way you see others.
Be positive and focus on why you can.

Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive statements that will
help you increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hari ini Abi terpanggil menulis tentang CINTA. Cinta umpama hadiah daripada Allah. Kita gembira dan suka apabila menerima hadiah. Namun, wajarkah hadiah lebih dicintai daripada Pemberi hadiah? Jawabnya tepuk dada, tanya iman di dalam jiwa. Tentulah pemberi hadiah. Malangnya, apa yang berlaku kekadang lebih daripada itu. Pujaan, sanjungan dan sikap mengagung-agungkan cinta dan kekadang sampai ke tahap 'mempertuhankan' cinta. Seolah-olah cinta segala-segalanya. Padahal dalam realitinya, cinta yang sebegitu selalunya sirna setelah diuji di dalam alam rumah tangga. Sementara belum dapat.... dipuji dan puja, tetapi setelah dapat, segala kemanisan hilang. Apa yang tak kena dengan cinta itu?

Abi teringat kata hukama "Untuk bahagia, cintailah sesiapa yang menyinta anda, bukan sesiapa yang anda cintai."

Monday, May 23, 2011


Terharu dan sedih menyentuh hati nurani bila Abi renungankan kejadian tanah runtuh di Rumah Anak Yatim dan Anak Hidayah Madrasah Al-Taqwa, Hulu Langat, Selangor.
Terasa benar mengalirnya perasaan kasih sayang.

Di sini Abi titipkan Nota Kasih Sayang Untuk Ibu Bapa.

Lihatlah bagaimana anak anda melihat diri mereka.
Lihatlah bagaimana anda melihat diri anda.
Kejayaan akan mendampingi mereka yang
melihat diri mereka sebagai orang yang berjaya.

Segala kabus keraguan ialah pembunuh impian.
Jangan sekali-kali membenarkan perkara itu menghampiri mereka.

Sebuah senyuman kemenangan di wajah yang gembira.

Menerangi kegelapan di laluan usia yang pantas ini.
Keluaarga yang bahagia menaraju dunia yang bahagia.

Dan dunia akan hanya dalam kebenaran
apabila individu itu di dalam kebenaran.

Oleh itu, besarkanlah anak-anak anda dengan
pengetahuan dan kesyukuran supaya mereka
akan membawa kekuatan.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hari ini Abi nak cerita tentang membuat pilihan. Petang kemarin Abi dapat panggilan telefon, seorang bapa nak jumpa Abi. Jumpa nak bincang tentang anak nak buat pilihan kursus atau program di IPTA. Ok, Abi terima dan buat temu janji.

Lepas bincang tentang pilihan program, Abi dan Ibu pergi kedai buku tolong Ibu pilih buku yang sesuai dijadikan hadiah kepada seorang doktor kawan ibu nak sambung pelajaran buat sarjan perubatan (master). Abi cadangan buku 'Men are from mars, women are from venus, ditulis oleh John Gray. Kandungan buku ni tentang memahami tingkahlaku lelaki dan perempuan yang banyak perbezaannya. Sampai ke larut petang baru selesai.

Pilihan yang kita buat amat penting. Pilihan kita mewujudkan. Kita tidak sunyi daripada susana yang menuntut untuk membuat pilihan. Malah, terlalu banyak pilihan yang mesti dibuat sehingga kita menjadi buntu atau serba salah. Apa pun, piihan yang dibuat akan meninggalkan kesan dan akibat sama ada positif atau sebaliknya.

Pilihan yang dibuat untuk memilih buku adalah contoh membuat pilihan yang dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar. Bagaiman pula dengan membuat pilihan yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar, tetapi ia amat penting seperti memilih kursus ke IPTA. Pilihan yang melibatkan tindakan impaknya amat bermakna dalam kehidupan. PILIHAN ANDA MEWJUDKAN.

Pilihan Anda Mewujudkan. Pedoman Hebat!
  • Fahamilah bawa anda mesti membuat piihan pada setiap masa.
  • Kebebasan membuat pilihan adalah nikmat utama kehidupan
  • Ketahuilah bahawa anda mempunyai banyak pilihan dalam hidup.
  • Buatlah pilihan anda dengan bijaksana dan yang akan menguntungkan.
  • Buat pilihan dalam keadaan puncak
  • Apa jua piihan anda, ia tetap mendatangkan hasil sama ada baik atau buruk.
  • Piihan anda adalah satu persimpangan jalan. Pilihan jalan yang betul.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Ada 4 perkara yang tidak dapat diraih kembali :
1. Batu setelah dilemparkan.
2. Kata-kata setelah diucapkan.
3. Kesempatan seelah berlalu.
4. Waktu setelah beranjak pergi.

Sediakanlah waktu tertawa kerana tertawa itu muziknya jiwa.
Sediakanlah waktu untuk berfikir kerana berfikir itu pokok kemajuan.
Sediakanlah waktu untuk beramal kerana beramal itu pangkal kejayaan.
Sediakanlah waktu untuk bersenda kerana bersenda itu akan membuat muda selalu.
Sediakanlah waktu beribadat kerana beribadat itu adalah ibu kepada segala ketenangan jiwa.

Ambillah waktu untuk berfikir, kerana ia adalah sumber kekuatan.
Ambillah waktu untuk bermain, kerana ia adalah rahsia dari masa muda yang hakiki.
Ambillah waktu untuk berdoa, kerana ia adalah sumber ketenangan.
Ambillah waktu untuk belajar, kerana ia adalah sumber kebijaksanaan.
Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai, kerana ia adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan Tuhan.
Ambillah waktu untuk bersahabat, kerana ia adalah jalan menuju kebahagiaan.
Ambillah waktu untuk tertawa, kerana ia adalah muzik yang menggetarkan jiwa.
Ambillah waktu untuk memberi, kerana ia akan membuat hidup terasa bererti.
Ambillah waktu untuk bekerja, kerana ia adalah nilai keberhasilan.
Ambillah waktu untuk beramal, kerana ia adalah kunci menuju syurga yang abadi.

Masa diukur bukan pada nilai kuantitinya, tetapi kualitinya.
Bukan lama atau singkatnya, panjang atau pendeknya
tetapi bergantung kepada bagaimana ia diurus untuk apa ia digunakan.


To attract what you want and to properly work with the
Law Of Attraction you need to change or shift your energy.

Everything in this world is made up of energy including us.

Other people pick up on your energy.
If it's positive you'll attract positive people
into your life.
If you have negative energy, you'll always
attract negative people and negative situations into your life.

If you find that you are getting exactly what
you don't want or if you find that you're not
getting what you want then there's a
very good chance that you're simply sending
out the wrong energy.

In the end you'll attract what matches your energy.
Negative energy attracts negative situations.

Positive energy attracts positive situations.

It's really that simple.

So if you're not getting what you want
you're likely sending out the wrong energy.

Change your energy and you'll likely start
getting what you want.

Your energy is based on your thoughts and beliefs.

Your subconscious mind picks up on your
thoughts and beliefs and goes out and
creates situations that correspond to your
thoughts and beliefs.

Other people pick up your energy on a subconscious level.
They're not consciously aware of your energy but
they just develop a feeling about you based on your energy.

If you have negative energy you'll attract negative
people and negative situations.

At the same time you'll repel positive people
and positive situations.
This goes against everything you need to do to create a
positive and successful life.

This is how the Law Of Attraction works.
It's tied to the beliefs that your subconscious
simply follows attracting the people, situations
and opportunities that mirror your beliefs.

If you constantly think of the worst,
if you find that you're negative,
if you don't believe that you can ever achieve anything,
if you constantly complain,
if you always see the worst in situations,
if you regularly put others down,
if you're just a negative person you will develop
negative energy and in the end you'll
only attract more negative situations into your life.

In the end your negative energy makes your life
miserable and it becomes difficult to achieve your goals
and create the changes that you want.

At the same time you repel positive people
and positive situations.

So by being negative or by developing negative
energy things will continue to get worse.

Being negative is really a no win situation
and you should do everything that you can to
stop being negative and eliminate any negative
thoughts and energy that you have.